Just as Scientific formulas can be mastered, which helps one to predict outcomes accurately, Moneyscience as a book introduces to you trans generational formulas you can use to become a money magnet, thereby attracting the right people, ideas and resources at will. It is a book with so much results and financial predictability.
The short cut to achievement. This book exposes on things and principles to use to get bigger results in life. It focuses on little efforts, big results.. Buy, read, practice.
How to raise between 1M to100M without borrowing. Raising money or capital for business start up, expansion, integration, consolidation etc has been a major problem for many people, which has resulted into borrowing for venture capitalist. This book answers the question of raising capital without borrowing. Many people has used the knowledge in this book to raise multiple millions in different currencies. It's a practical book that solves the capital problem for entrepreneurs. Grab your copy today and start using it.